Wednesday, April 11, 2012

40 days at last!

Okay so I have to admit, that I have a huge lump in my throat and on the verge of tears.  I have been in the  for a little over 40 days.  I just finished the devotional and am sad that it is over.  This book was such an inspiration to me as a Christian, photographer and photog newby.  I feel like I am going to be lost now, not without my God, but a source of encouragement that was daily put in front of me. I am truly thankful to Scarlett Lillian and her Husband Stephen Knuth ( ) for the great work they have done in this devotional and all of the wonderful people I have met at the prosper community.  So many recourses and words of encouragement as a Christian and a Photographer.  I have decided to start this 40 day journey over again, but this time add some elements to it.  I am 38 (39 in May and probably for the next and as most women struggle with weight, so I am going to start my devotional with a new diet and exercise regimen that includes healthy eating and a triathalon at the end.   Never Quit (  ) will be the event I am going to participate in and with the Lords help ( cause I definitly cant do this on my own) make a great time and accomplish a great feat.  So, today I am going to post my before picture, and weekly I will post a new one so with Gods strength I will "Get it Doooone"  Here we go!

No Makeup, Hair pulled back...ready to go.  Starting weight....huh....honesty, honesty....182...HUH!  
Lord I give it to you and my 40 days of a new me!

Friday, April 6, 2012

     So it has been awhile since I have posted anything on my 40 day journey, or my photography.  So let me play catch up!  My Son had to get a cast on his entire arm for breaking his thumb, so we had that removed the week after Spring Break which was supposed to be relaxing, but I was doing something everyday.  I also did the MS Mud Run with my friend Jamie Halstead, of J.Halstead Photography.  That was so much fun and amazing.  I also did fit some photography in there.
     My Prosper journey has been amazing though.  I have been reading through the devotional and somewhere in every chapter it seems like you are being reminded to tithe your 10% to God.  I have not always been faithful in doing that.  In fact I really stink at it!  The money that I make I consider fun money, so I never thought to take 10% and give it to God.  My thought process was "I am going to be giving it away to the kids and the Hubby, so why do I need to tithe?"  Maybe because he says so!  So I recently started to put back my 10% and it feels good.  As soon as I walk in the door from work the first thing I do is take that 10% and place it in an envelope.  My plan is when I get more than 100.00 I will tithe it to either my local Christian Teen Center or my Church.  I may even split it down the middle.  Either way I am giving it back to God!  These last few weeks has been an eyeopener for this and I know that God always provides my needs, so why not be faithful to his word and give as he asks!
Malachi 3:10
"Bring to the storehouse a full tenth of what you earn, so that there may be food in my house.  Test me in this says the Lord All Powerful.  I will open the windows of Heaven for you and pour out all blessings you need."
Lesson Learned!

Here are a few pictures from my recent sessions and my MS Mud Run!